Well, I’m not moving, but over the weekend, I’m planning on migrating my WordPress.com blog over to a self-hosted WordPress.org blog. I think I know what I’m doing (which means my blog may be down for the next week or so), but what I’m uncertain of is if I will lose any followers who are currently following through WordPress.com, itself. I assume everything else is about the same if you’re following me through DavidCPrice.com or RSS feed. If I’m wrong on this, I’d appreciate any tips to help me out. I really appreciate those who are following my updates and don’t want to lose anybody. Wish me…oh, uh, after my recent post, I guess it might be seen as hypocritical to say that, huh?
By the way, this is my 300th post on this particular blog. Thought it was noteworthy…to me, at least.