As hard as it is, I am trying to look at the current refugee crisis carefully, thoughfully, morally and ethically. As I think about this, I have to realize there are so many unknowns behind the scenes that make it impossible for me, with all certainty, to take a “right” position. I find I have to remind myself to approach this very humbly.
On the one hand, it is true that as a Christian, I am called to care for the poor. I believe that something must be done for the refugees. I’m not sure what that something is, because, at the same time, it seems incredibly unwise to open the door for what could allow terrorists to attempt a “trojan horse” operation as it has been reported that at least one did in Paris, and kill more. God calls us to be compassionate, but He also calls us to be wise.
It is hard for me to outright support an influx of refugees, whatever their religious orientation, if it cannot be guaranteed that the people who are already here will not be safe. We have a responsibility for them, too. To be perfectly candid, there is no way I would welcome someone who looked potentially dangerous into my house with my family present, yet that is what we are doing if we are not careful and get this right. At this point, I don’t have that confidence.
So, what do we do? Honestly, this is a tough one for me. I am not at all comfortable with the extremes I’m reading about on Facebook. I’m not comfortable hearing Christians speaking coldly about those who are running for their lives, thinking only about ourselves, and speaking poorly about the refugees, in general. It doesn’t sound like Jesus talking. On the other hand, I’m not comfortable with people saying that we are not acting like Jesus or aren’t being Christian unless we blindly welcome in whoever says they are a part of those legitimately escaping persecution. I think it’s a bit more complex than that.
Personally, before I make a statement about how we need to take in and care for refugees, I need to answer the question, “What am I, personally, willing to do to help these refugees?” It’s easy to take a position if I’m not directly affected; if it’s going to cost me nothing but a few more tax dollars. So, am I willing and ready to personally get my hands dirty and provide for refugees? If not and yet I say that it is un-Christlike not to take them in, I have to question if I, myself, am actually being Christlike.
It’s so easy to post a picture, share someone else’s profound-sounding post, or like comments made who share my position. It’s harder to step back, think soberly and honestly about what really is Christ’s position; to consider Christ’s call…I’m talking about the one that says that, like the apostles sent out among wolves, we are to be both wise as serpents and innocent as doves (Matthew 10:16). I’m not sure how much of either of those are being put on display at this point.
So, maybe we can ease up on the rhetoric, the chest-bumping, the guilt trips and the finger-wagging and spend a little more time sincerely praying for the mind of Christ and asking how we, as Christ-followers, can be part of the solution and live, first, as citizens of Heaven rather than citizens of the world.
I’m not there yet. I don’t have an answer. In this very emotionally charged time, mine are all over the place and I vascillate between the different options with almost every news report of victims being killed in Paris and Beirut or displaced families running from ISIS. I don’t see an easy answer. That shows me that I’ve yet to find the mind of Christ here. So, until I do, I will be quiet.
God, have mercy.
David, Thank you for writing this post. I too have been struggling with my thoughts on the Syrian refugee crisis. My heart is telling me that I should welcome the refugees with open arms and show them the love of Christ. My head is telling that God did not create me to be stupid. So my thoughts are that this requires much prayer seeking God's guidence on what He wants me to do in this circumstance. I have to trust God's leading and protection and wait for Him to open the doors that I should pass through.