A couple of weeks ago, I preached a message revealing and outlining our theme for the remainder of the year.
If you weren’t there (and especially if you are a covenant member of The Gathering), please take time to watch this message and begin to look for ways in which you can make these vital connections.
With modern technology and the proliferation of smartphones, people seem to be more “connected” than ever before, yet arguably, we are less connected emotionally and relationally than ever before.
Quick interactions on social media fail to get people to the level of truly knowing each other, investing in each other, and discovering how the other really is. Rather than being reinforcement to a truly connected relationship, technological interactions become little more than sentimental replacement.
We need connections! Real connections.
More than that, we need to be a connected community.
Christianity was designed by God to be a team sport where we live in community, interdependent on one another for strength, encouragement, and growth. We invest the time and energy to get to know each other and develop the kinds of relationships that will be there during our highs and lows.
It is not only advisable to live in intentional, connected community with other believers, it is dangerous not to. It is in those times that we are disconnected that we are most susceptible to the schemes of the enemy who is more cunning than we can even know.
Settling for nothing more than “virtual community” should never be acceptable for a follower of Jesus and never become the accepted culture of the church.
The Church is described in Scripture as the “Body of Christ.” Ephesians 4:16 tells us that “From him the whole body, fitted and knit together by every supporting ligament, promotes the growth of the body for building up itself in love by the proper working of each individual part.”
There is no such thing as a true church of Jesus that is not intentionally a connected community, where every body part; every piece of the puzzle is prized and utilized.
You are a piece of this puzzle! Take yours as a reminder to constantly be looking to see where you fit. YOU MATTER!
At The Gathering, it is our desire and determination to make authentic connections in each of five main areas:
- The triune God, through deeper engagement with His Word, prayer, and worship.
- One another, pursuing meaningful, trusting, lasting, “face-to-face” relationships.
- The ministry of the The Gathering, looking for places we can connect in meaningful engagement with others as we fulfill God’s call to build ourselves up in love and service.
- The Community, exploring opportunities that, together, we can be a blessing to our friends and neighbors in our city.
- The world, taking seriously the Great Commission of Jesus to go into all the world with the Good News of redemption through Christ.